Brawsome at GDC

Brawsome is going to GDC for the first year ever! I’ll be attending the Casual Games Summit as well as discussing plans for a new IP with a few casual games publishers. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome there! The highlight of the trip will no doubt be the awesome Wadjet Eye bash. If you’re going to GDC and would like to meet up, please send an email via the contact page.

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Emerald City Confidential is Done!

Brawsome’s first major project Emerald City Confidential went Gold Master today, with much rejoycing and merriment in the streets! It’s not quite out to retail yet, but when it is, you can get it here.

Many thanks to Dave Gilbert of Wadjet Eye Games for bringing us all together and making this possible, not to mention launching the careers of several members of the team, and Brawsome an opportunity to get off the ground.

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