Four Reviews (and a Sale!)

Oh what a week! This working while marketing Jolly Rover thing is really taking 120% out of me. It’ been great learning experience though, I must admit I understimated the effort it would require to market Jolly Rover by about 50%. Thinking I could just market Jolly Rover part time was a bit of an understimate.

But the result of that hard work is paying off, with great reviews such as those done by Adventure Island (7/10), DIY GamerAusGamers (7.7/10) and the MX Newspaper (3/5) (Thanks to Barbara Kerr for this photo!).

So, Jolly Rover has been out a month now and I’m running the first ever Jolly Rover sale! This sale is exclusive to people who have signed up on the mailing list (eyes left), are following brawsome on twitter or a fan Jolly Rover on facebook. On July 24 I’ll be sending out a discount code to anyone on the aforementioned services that will allow them to purchase a Steam Key direct from Brawsome at a 50% discount between July 25-26, let’s call it “Jolly Christmas”. Copies aren’t limited per user, so if you’ve already bought Jolly Rover you can still give the gift of adventure gaming this Jolly Christmas.

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What’s In a License?

People treat game licenses as things, that can be bought and sold, but I feel the truth is that a license is the people that originally created it.

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A Clear Vision

Just read this great review of Jolly Rover from Gamer Vision (8.25/10). It’s been out since Monday but I missed it. It hasn’t been updated on Metacritic yet, but hopefully it’ll pull the score up a little further.

And not to be outdone, the Indie Games Channel also did a nice review. You may remember the Indie Games Channel from their earlier Jolly Rover Interview.

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Gamasutra Goodness

Boy, a lot seems to happen between updates, which is a good thing! But means I have less time to focus on other things, such as writing, design, and most importantly, trying to get more funding to develop games.

It’s been a year for awesome events, the first being the release of Jolly Rover, and now this article I wrote appearing on Gamasutra – State Of The Point-and-Click Art. Also of note was being able to catch up with the super-nice Dave Grossman at GDC and at least get emails back from several ex Lucas Arts and Sierra adventure game greats (not Ron Gilbert though, but I won’t give up!).

Currently though, I’m in a lull, I suppose it’s post-project blues, with an indefinite start date for when I can start implementing new ideas again, but I’m always chasing up different avenues of making game development a reality, like the Indie Fund.

Oh right! Cool stuff. Jolly Rover was reviewed well on PC Gamezone (7.5), Jay Is Games, and Game Shark (B). If you’d like to be awesome, jump on Jay Is Games and vote for Jolly Rover, and leave nice comments under the other reviews.

Finally, and I just found out about this today. Jolly Rover is now up and about on the Adventure Store!

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On Purpose

I’ve just had an epiphany, no small thing. It pertains to what I see as my direction in life.

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Finally got around to putting up the Wallpapers page for Jolly Rover, check it out by directing your eyes to the menu on the left! The wallpapers currently come in 1024×768, 1280×1024 and 1680×1050 flavours, if you want any higher than that, buy a poster from the zazzle store =0).

What else… what else… oh! There’s a mighty long interview with me on Jolly Rover on the Indie Games Channel. Jolly Rover is also reviewed quite nicely in this months edition (#180) of PC Power Play, and appears right next to Puzzle Bots! Small world…

Aaand… there’s now a Mac demo of the game directly available from the Jolly Rover website. I recommend this because it directs you to MY buy page =0P. Tell your friends, impress your enemies!

And finally! Jolly Rover has been entered into the IGF! Just being one of the finalists in the IGF (Independent Games Festival) would be a HUGE (Humongous Undulating Giants Eyeball) deal for me, so please send some positive vibes my way!

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Three Great Reviews

We have 3 great reviews for Jolly Rover coming in from QuestZone.RUExplicit Gamer, and a Kotaku AU Reader.

At the moment I’m on a 6 month contract working 3 days a week teaching programming at a local games uni. I’m back to the 3 hour a day commute. At least I’m catching up on my reading. It’s just one of the realities of being an indie developer with a family to support, but with reviews like this hopefully I’ll be able to get back to developing the games I love soon. =0)

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Jolly Rover Wallpapers

Okay, this is going up a little hasty, but someone sent me a very nice email recently asking for some Jolly Rover wallpapers. I’m going to get a proper page set up for this, but in the meantime, you can access the following wallpapers by clicking on the thumbnails below:

Groggy Island

Sleeping Quarters

My current desktop background is the Groggy Island one, I really love this background, I remember the first time I saw it and sent an email back to Viskatoons with a lot of exclamation marks!

These images are 1024×768, so you get a little more detail from these than you do in the game. The master versions of these are 3200×2400, which make neat posters! Maybe one day I’ll be able to do a ridiculously hi-res version using these backgrounds. If you’ve got a favorite background you’d like a wallpaper of, please let me know.

Oh, and if you’d like a poster, there are some available from the zazzle store. Is there a poster of something you really want that’s not there? Just let me know and I’ll see if I can make it available for you =0)

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Pirates and Pooches and Purchases, Oh My!

Recently the jolly kind folks at Gamezebo decided to give me a short interview, but I turned it into a long one. Check it out here.  Also, the game was reviewed kindly on JustAdventure, getting a generous B+! Check that out here.

Oh, and lastly Jolly Rover is set to appear on The Adventure Shop around the start of July.

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Film Victoria – Digitial Media Prototyping Final Milestone Feedback

I heard somewhere that there’s nothing scarier to a writer than a blank page. I feel the same way about programming.

I was trying to think of something to fill my first proper blog entry when I remembered a time recently when I wanted a place to write more than a 160 character tweet or news update. This was when I was writing the final feedback to Film Victoria after completing the final Jolly Rover milestone. So without further ado, here is the verbatim feedback I wrote to Film Victoria on my final Jolly Rover milestone submission. Continue reading

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