I’m pleased to announce that Brawsome will be working on a new project – Urban Wolf.
Brawsome has again been successful in securing highly sought after funding from Film Victoria, the Victorian government organisation that contributed funding to the award winning Jolly Rover. We are planning on beginning development in February 2011.
This project is a comedy puzzle adventure in collaboration with designer Ben Kosmina, who contributed some dialog for Jolly Rover and was designer on an earlier project that unfortunately never saw the light of day. Brawsome has been working closely with Ben to get this project off the ground since September 2010, and we’re both investing in the project in addition to Film Victoria.
We’re planning on developing the game in Unity for PC, Mac, iPhone and iPad release in 4th Quarter 2011. For this project, unlike Jolly Rover, Brawsome is attempting to secure a publisher to help with marketing and distribution efforts, and while some talks have occurred, nothing is close to being final.
Brawsome will be attending GDC with Ben this year to talk to potential publishing/distribution partners and any interested press about the new title, which will be Brawsomes second original IP and first that isnt a traditional point and click adventure, though will contain adventure elements.
Anyone interested in chatting with us at GDC please let me know.